Spring has finally sprung! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it’s the perfect time to get some spring-themed books to share with the whole family. We talk a lot at our house during the winter months about the earth being asleep. It is fun to watch the world waking up, especially through the eyes of young kids. Each day brings new things to see – trees budding, birds singing, bulbs sprouting! As the days get longer and the temps get warmer there are plenty of opportunities for enjoying the season and reading books together can help us to learn more about our world as it awakens to new life.
Planting a Rainbow
by Lois Ehlert
Lois Ehlert has written some of our favorite seasonal books, but we especially love her spring books. Planting a Rainbow shows all the different kinds of seeds and bulbs you can plant to grow your very own rainbow. This is a fun one to read with littles who are learning their colors or with bigger kids who can visit a greenhouse and pick out their own plants to grow after being inspired by the book. This is also a great book to pair with an easy rainbow activity or craft such as a paper collage or dot painting.
Little Home Bird
by Jo Empson
Little Home Bird is both sweet and heartwarming, with bright and joyful illustrations. Little Bird loves his home and is not happy when he learns he must move to his family’s “winter home” during the cold months. He decides to pack up all his favorite things to take with him, but it is too much to carry on such a long journey. This is a heartwarming story about the comfort of home, as well as brief introduction to migration and bird habits. After reading you could take a family walk at the park to see which song birds you can find who have flown back home after the long winter.
The Golden Glow
by Benjamin Flouw
Older kids will love this story about an adventure-loving fox. Mr. Fox loves botany, collecting things, and especially adding new drawings to his nature notebook. When he learns about a fascinating and rare flower, he goes exploring to find it. Mr. Fox and his forest friends will make little readers smile and older children will be inspired to explore their own surroundings and see which trees and flowers they can identify. He even gives a handy list of important adventure items so you can make sure you’re prepared when you go out exploring.
I hope these books inspire you to learn more about springtime and to get outdoors and explore the awakening world.