While wheelchairs and football may seem an unlikely combination, a unique program offered by The Ability Center has made scoring a touchdown a reality...
Toledo is filled with opportunities to participate in the arts, including for those with disabilities. There are outlets available for painting, dancing, singing and...
For nearly a decade, TaSheena Hogue, a board certified behavior analyst, has been providing therapy to individuals with developmental disabilities, working in clinics, daycares, residential facilities and homes.
Courageous Community Services has been serving Northwest Ohio since 1963. CCS was created by families with loved ones with disabilities to provide a safe...
Bittersweet and two local Target stores are collaborating to provide a sensory friendly holiday shopping experience for individuals with autism. This event has been...
Universal school choice has come to Ohio.
With passage of the two-year budget bill in July, the state legislature approved new funding that makes all...