

Navigating Life’s Next Chapter: GapQuest Gap Year Program in Toledo

In today's fast-paced academic world, the concept of a gap year is gaining traction as more students seek alternatives to the traditional straight-to-college route. A...
Alexa in household

Dealing With Alexa: The Other Teenager In My House

Like a lot of households, we added a new family member recently. Her name is Alexa. Sure, she’s AI and not human, but I’ve...
A group of basketball players.

Toledo Threat Focuses on Basketball and Youth Mental Health

If you thought the biggest threat in Toledo was the rising crime rate or the replacement of our precious 4-way stops with those pesky traffic circles, you’ve obviously never heard of Toledo Threat.

6 Ways to Keep Your Teen Active this Winter

The winter months come with a number of challenges from the shorter days to the frigid temperatures. While hunkering down inside and sitting on...

Helping Teens Create New Years Resolutions

January offers a clean slate and a new year of possibilities. Teens (and their adults) may take this time to set new goals and...
Two people watching something on a laptop.

The Dawn of a New Era of Maturity: Supporting Our Growing Teen

It starts with an eye roll, a slammed door, muttering under their breath as they stomp away, and you wonder when your sweet child...

Why Parenting Teenagers Wears Me The Heck Out

How I recall those sleepless nights when my kids were newborns. Those nights morphed into long days carrying chunky toddlers, then chasing precocious preschoolers....

Holiday Gift Guide 2023: Buy Local in Toledo

Find unique gifts for everyone on your list while enjoying the holiday spirit by supporting our community. From books and treats for the kids...
picture of a opened book.

Swanton Library’s November 2023 Virtual Book Clubs for Youth

Swanton Library continues to offer virtual do-it-at-home book clubs for all ages. All participants get to keep the book. The four age categories are:...
Holiday Children

2023 Toledo Area Holiday Activity Guide

Winter is upon us, and stores are already stocking up on Christmas trees and holiday decorations. Before you know it, holiday music will be...

How to Pivot when the Plan Doesn’t Work

By Lori Orlinsky There is no job more overwhelming than being a parent. Between school, after care, sports practice, dance lessons, tutoring and doctor appointments,...