Head Start to begin full-day preschool

WSOS (Wood, Sandusky, Ottawa, Seneca counties) Head Start will offer full-day preschool and additional classrooms for the 2017-2018 school year. The programs in Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca and Wood counties will expand to full-day services for children ages 3 to 5. Centers in Bowling Green, Clyde, Fostoria, and Perrysburg/Rossford will have additional classroom spaces to accommodate more students.

“The full-day option makes it easier for parents to work and avoid the complications of arranging drop-offs and pick-ups that come with part-day preschool,” said Jacquie Wells, WSOS Child Development director.

All Head Starts nationwide will transition to full-day programs by 2021. WSOS said more time in the classroom will give children more time to learn, socialize and prepare for kindergarten. Head Start provides free preschool to families that meet eligibility based on poverty guidelines and other factors. WSOS also offers Early Head Start for infants and toddlers ages birth to 3.

For more information visit wsos.org.

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