Toledo Area Teens Share Their Hopes for 2024

Amelia Zobler, freshman, Miami University, and Sophia Zobler, Sylvania Southview.

Toledo area teens have big plans for the future. We spoke with area teens to hear about their goals and New Year’s resolutions for 2024.

An eighth grader at Gesu Catholic School said “To be a millionaire by fifteen, and to be a world champion in boxing.”

Another eighth grader at Gesu Catholic School, said, “Improve my basketball skills, work harder at school and home.”

A seventh grader at Pickett Academy said, “I would like to create my own business of making stickers.”

Amelia Zobler, a freshman at Miami University, said, “My New Year’s Resolution is to be happy.” Her sister, Sophia Zobler, a Sylvania Southview student, said, “To do well in school.”

A senior at Archbold High School said, “To work really hard and achieve the goals I want, like getting a new car and an apartment.”

Kaylee Plassman, senior at Four County Career Center in Archbold, said, “To pass my state boards in cosmetology.”

Kierstin Ondrus, ninth grade, Bedford, and Kaylee Ondrus, seventh grade, Bedford.

Nick Johnson, a recent Rogers graduate, said, “Better health and wealth, trying to progress for 2024.”

Kierstin Ondrus, a ninth grader from Bedford, said, “I would have to say my New Year’s Resolution is self-confidence. As a teenager, it’s hard to gain confidence in yourself, as well as having the confidence to be with others. I, myself, have gained confidence through my family as they have supported me through so much. I have truly learned to love myself, and I would love to gain even more confidence if I could.”

Kaylee Ondrus, a seventh grader from Bedford, said, “I want to be a better person to my family and friends. Not get bad grades. Be nicer to teachers and be more focused on how I present myself to other people.”

Emma Zielinski, eighth grade, Toledo School for the Arts, said, “I want to help a family in need.”

Emma Zielinski, eighth grade, Toledo School for the Arts.

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