August 23-September 22
This month, your Virgo child is full of adventurous curiosity and will. Though they usually like to be home, they will be more open to such excursions this month. Contact family members and friends to set up playdates to capitalize on this burst of social energy. Virgos are cranial and creative, so you can also purchase drawing books. For tiny ones, go to, where you’ll find edible finger paints! These are very safe, easy to clean up, and quite tasty!
Another idea: find pictures of your Virgo doing something they love, whether it be dancing or baseball. Then take it to your local photo center for them to enlarge and print for you. While you’re there, pick up some little round stickers for their guests to pin the nose on their picture. You all will get a good laugh watching where the nose gets pinned.
It’s particularly important this month to let your child know that they are helpful and appreciated. I wish you and your child a happy birthday month and a safe journey into discovering a world outside their own safe space at home.