Moms Demand Action Shines Light on Gun Safety, Common Sense

The Toledo chapter of Moms Demand Action strives to be the light in the midst of the darkness brought on by gun violence. One of its local leaders is quick to point out that it doesn’t advocate gun control, but gun safety and common sense — and is not just an army of moms.

“We say that we are a group of ‘mothers and others,’” said Erin Kramer, a leader in the local chapter. “We have many volunteers who are men or people without kids. We welcome everyone who shares our mission of curbing gun violence.”

woman holding campaign sign
Erin Kramer is a leader in the Toledo chapter of Moms Demand Action.

Otherwise, its name spells out just what the group does: demand action against gun violence. Kramer, admissions director at Owens Community College, said the Ohio chapter does so by advocating for candidates for public office who promote gun safety — earning a “gun sense” designation — and meeting with lawmakers in Columbus on what the group calls common sense gun reforms.

“We’re interested in elections and politics and how legislators can make a difference,” said Kramer, the local chapter’s leader for membership and elections.

On its national website, Moms Demand Action explains its mission as “a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence. We pass stronger gun laws and work to close the loopholes that jeopardize the safety of our families. We also work in our own communities and with business leaders to encourage a culture of responsible gun ownership. We know that gun violence is preventable, and we’re committed to doing what it takes to keep families safe.”

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Kramer said the group is nonpartisan and pro-Second Amendment. “We don’t say ‘gun control,’” she explained. “We want people to own guns safely and encourage them to store them safely.”

To that end, Moms Demand Action promotes the use of gun locks. The Toledo chapter has distributed about 800 such locks to gun owners since 2019.

“We always have them with us whenever we are at an event,” Kramer said.  “We gave some out when we were walking in parades this summer. They are free and they are provided by the VA in Ann Arbor.”

She said Moms Demand Action partners with the Veterans Affairs office, which has an interest in securing firearms because of the relatively high suicide rate among veterans.

Kramer added, “One of our projects for 2025 is to partner with local hospitals to set up displays in their lobbies that contain free gun locks as well as information about the importance of safe storage. People would be able to take them.”

With elections concluded, the group is turning its efforts to an upcoming event for those who are survivors of gun violence. A Survivors Wellness Day will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 25 at Lavish Me Spa, 4925 Jackman Road, Toledo. “This will provide a day of pampering for people who have been through a really horrible thing in their lives,” she said.

Kramer said, “Most families either know someone or have had experience with gun violence.”

She recalls what led her to join the group. In 2017, one of her children was in a school that had a planning session about protecting students in the event of an active shooter.  Kramer questioned whether the plan was wise. In researching alternatives, she came across Moms Demand Action and liked its direction.

For details on the Toledo chapter, text the word READY to 64433, visit its Facebook page at or visit the national group’s website at

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