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Parenting Stages

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Ask an Expert: Overwhelmed with Emotions

Dear local expert, As a parent, I sometimes find myself overwhelmed with frustration or anxiety, especially when my child has a tantrum or gets upset over...

Kids Eat Free! Or Close To It

Check out our guide to kid-friendly, local snack spots! Kids either eat free, or close to it.
Group in front of building

Moms Demand Action Shines Light on Gun Safety, Common Sense

The Toledo chapter of Moms Demand Action strives to be the light in the midst of the darkness brought on by gun violence. One...
Indoor play space

Indoor Play Spaces in the Toledo Area

While making snow angels and ice skating can be fun, the cold weather often keeps kids inside – just waiting to be entertained. Chilly...
older brother with baby sibling

Effects of Favoritism of Children: Long-Term Emotional Implications for the Favored Child

Parental favoritism is a complex topic — it’s a common occurrence, yet many parents don’t realize they’re showing it. It can manifest in various...
Family in snow

What to do During Winter Break in Toledo

The holiday season is finally here, and winter break is just around the corner. If you’re not sure how to keep the kids entertained...
Backpack in woods

Teens Needed for 2025 Lucas County 4-H Camp Volunteer Roles

Teenagers in Lucas County have the opportunity to gain leadership experience by volunteering as camp counselors for the 2025 4-H Camp at Camp Palmer...

Navigating Life’s Next Chapter: GapQuest Gap Year Program in Toledo

In today's fast-paced academic world, the concept of a gap year is gaining traction as more students seek alternatives to the traditional straight-to-college route. A...
Mom and baby signing

Communicate With Your Baby Through Sign

Babies know so much more than they are able to communicate; which oftentimes causes great frustration for both babies and caregivers alike. “Baby signs...

What’s On Our Bookshelf This August

Alycat and the Sunday Scaries By Alysson Foti Bourque For many children, the end of the weekend brings the Sunday scaries as they anticipate the dreaded...
Father and sons displays their tall lego building

Toniebox: Encouraging Imaginative Play Instead of Screen Time

As kids and teens receive an average of 237 smartphone notifications every day, new guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics encourages parents to...