BeInstrumental in Need of Instrument Donations for Underserved Local Youth 

BeInstrumental is a local charity dedicated to promoting the availability of musical instruments, education, and performance. The organization was established in 2008 as a response to an article by the Toledo Blade that emphasized a lack of musical resources in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan. 

Right now, the organization is in need of used flutes, trumpets, violins, guitars, saxophones, trombones, clarinets, and drums that can later be distributed to underserved youth. Instruments that are donated will contribute to the BeInstrumental’s Instrument Bank, a warehouse of refurbished instruments that are donated by community members and then distributed to local schools.

After being awarded a $50,000 grant through the Pepsi Refresh Project in 2010, the Instrument Bank continues to operate as a center of instrument distribution for students in need. BeInstrumental’s Instrument Bank is just one example of the organization’s initiatives to improve music opportunities for local students. 

Through partnerships with various community organizations such as The Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan, The Friendly Center, The Maritime Academy, Queen of Apostles, and Wildwood Environmental Academy, BeInstrumental has provided local youth music instruction opportunities that they might not otherwise have had. Collaborations between BeInstrumental and these educational partners have also enabled the charity to organize recitals and performances for underserved youth, who would otherwise have few opportunities to showcase their musical talents.

To learn more about BeInstrumental, visit their Instagram @beinstrumental.419 or their website.

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