The Joys of Toys Toy Drive Provides Toys for Children on Christmas

Ten years ago, three friends who worked for the city of Toledo decided to start a toy drive for Lucas County Children Services. 

Each year, The Joys of Toys Toy Drive collects donations to go towards buying toys and things for these children to open on Christmas.

Mike Kimble, one of the organizers of The Joys of Toys Toy Drive said, “Every single penny goes to Lucas county children services.”

Photo provided by Mike Kimble from the city of Toledo Facebook.

On Dec. 7, they will drop off all of the donations at WTOL 11. The day before they drop off the toys, they go shopping and spend all of the money for the kids’ presents at Ollie’s Bargain Outlet. 

The first year Kimble said they had about $700 or $800 donated but each year it has gotten better. Kimble said last year they had nearly $4,000 to spend on toys. 

It’s 100% about the children. It’s a fun thing and this is our 10th year so we have been trying to make this the best year ever,” Kimble said. 

They also collect donations through a raffle where they offer big gifts including a 7 day stay in a 5 star condo anywhere in the continental United States, Cuisinart 28 inch rectangular griddle, booze bucket and Android watch. In addition to the large prizes they offer, they also collect gift cards from local bars and restaurants to give out at the raffle. 

The Joys of Toys Toy Drive is close to Kimble’s heart due to his own experiences of not having anything to open on Christmas morning. 

“I know what it is like to wake up at Christmas with little or nothing,” Kimble said. 

Kimble has made it his mission to put toys in the hands of children who would not otherwise have anything to open on Christmas. 

Kimble said he and his co-sponsor Paul Cooper do not do this for recognition or awards, they only do it for the kids.

Photo provided by Mike Kimble.

They have also partnered their fundraising efforts with local businesses such as Bubba’s 33 and Buff City Soap. Bubba’s 33, 3534 Secor Road, Toledo, will offer a free large pizza for every toy brought in for the drive. 

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