Toledo Area Parent’s Guide to Local Book Clubs

How you and your child can get involved with reading in the community

There are few things better than reading a great book. That feeling when your favorite characters reach a satisfying conclusion after pages and pages of development, or when you become so engulfed in a world outside of our own that you lose track of time, is unmatched. 

However, there is one thing that is better than reading the perfect book: having someone to talk about it with. This is the magic of book clubs, where people read the same book or books and then spend time discussing them together. Typically, these book clubs meet on a regular basis to either discuss the book chapter by chapter, or when the book has been completed by all the members.

Luckily, Toledo is home to many book club opportunities for different ages, genders and genres. At various locations and with diverse groups of people, Toledo residents can discuss books and meet new people all at once. 

Solace Health & Wellness book club works to educate on bodily autonomy.

Solace Health & Wellness

Solace Health & Wellness is a space that provides sexual and reproductive health for every person with a uterus at any stage of their life. The wellness and justice space started a reproductive justice book club to encourage their mission: “Everyone should have control over their bodies and access to the resources they need.” To join, call 419-214-9046, or email 

Museum bookshelf
The Toledo Museum of Art has a treasure trove of books just waiting to be borrowed in its book club.

Toledo Museum of Art

The Art Book Club is part of the Toledo Museum of Art’s community outreach efforts. Art and book lovers are invited to participate in the club where they will make connections with special exhibitions and works of art at the museum. There is an early evening discussion, guest speakers and gallery tours. Dates can be found in the TMA event calendar, or you can be added to the Book Club mailing list. There are some copies of the books available for museum members to borrow, and the club is free. However, space is limited, so contact the library to register by calling 419-254-5770, or email

silent book club
The Silent Book Club encourages people to read what they want while engaging with others.

Silent Book Club

The Silent Book Club is a group of book lovers that meet the first Saturday of the month for about two hours. The first and last half hour are for reading and chatting, but the middle hour is for silent reading. The group meets at a different restaurant, bar, or coffee shop every time, and posts regular updates on Facebook. To join, check out Toledo Silent Book Club on Facebook for the location of the meeting, and show up with whatever book you are loving right now.

toledo library
The Toledo Library has many book clubs to choose from.

Toledo Library Book Clubs

The Toledo Library is home to a plethora of book clubs that you can join by visiting the various branch locations. There are options for book lovers of all ages, but in particular, great programming for children. Head to the Toledo Library calendar for more information on the dates, times and how to register.

The Library’s Storytimes are a great way to prepare your children for reading at higher levels.

Storytime program

The Toledo Library hosts a “Storytime Program” for young kids to learn. You can attend with your child and read books, learn rhymes and participate in other activities to help your children better their reading skills. There are storytimes for babies ages zero to 18 months called Babytime, Toddler storytime for children 18 months to 36 months, a preschool storytime for children ages three to five years, and family storytimes for children ages two to five years.

The Salt Cave
Photo provided via The Salt Cave Perrysburg.

Banned Book Club

Gathering Volumes and The Salt Cave of Perrysburg partner for the “Banned Book Club.” The fourth Tuesday of every month brings a new read for people to discuss together. For only $20, participants can attend a book club session at the Salt Cave, 318 Louisiana Ave., and talk about the book of the month.

The Library’s other book clubs are filled with opportunities to read and discuss.

Other book clubs

The Library also has other book clubs for those looking to expand their knowledge or participate with older children. There are categories for book clubs like Big Idea, Comics, Documentary Discussion, Fiction, Film, Mystery, Nonfiction, Romance, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Wellness and more within the branch groups and the community book groups. You can check out the website for more information on registering and what each book group is reading at the moment.