Toledo Area Teen Book Clubs 

An Assortment of books on display at a library.

With many book clubs geared toward adults or storytime-aged children, where do tweens and teens fit in? 

A collection of books on display at the library.

Reading is essential and can be a great way to keep teens engaged in the community, to support self-discovery, and to expand their knowledge. Whatever genre your young reader is interested in, there’s a club for that. There are book clubs that cater to different learning styles as well, some focusing more on  independent work while others promote socialization in a group setting. 

We’ve collected a list of  resources for book clubs for tweens and teens. For other ideas or more clubs, try checking with your child’s school. 

Summer Student Book Club at Gathering Volumes:

Keep your tween or teen reading and socializing through the summer with a traditional book club. Gathering Volumes will host two book clubs this summer, June through August, one for Middle Grades 3-6 and one for YA readers, Grades 7-12. The groups will read the first three books of a series and meet to discuss each of them. There is no cost to join and books will be available to purchase in-store. Access more information and register for the events on the Gathering Volumes Facebook events page or register by calling (567)336-6188 or email  

Upcoming dates, times, and selected book series: The Middle Grade Group will meet the second Tuesday of the month from 5:30–6:30pm. The Teen Book Club will meet on the Fourth Tuesday of the month from 5:30–6:30pm. They will both meet in June, July, and August.

 Location: 196 East South Boundary, Perrysburg.

At the library: see event locations and details below! 

Check out and for future book club dates, along with an updated list of events specific to age, location, and program type! No registration is required for any of the following gatherings: 

Sanger Teens Book Group (First of the month)

Drop into the Sanger Library on the first of each month to grab the featured book, along with an activity sheet. With no actual meeting, this is a solo, read-and-complete-at-your-own-pace  program featuring a different book title each month, chosen specifically for Grade 9-12 level readers.  Turn in four activity sheets and win a prize! Book club books can be borrowed from the library or, If no physical copy is  available, pick up the library activity sheet and access the book on the Libby  app. 

Upcoming Dates: Begins the first of each month. Continues throughout the month.

Time: All Day 

Age group: Teens (11-17)

Location: 3030 W. Central Ave.

Teen Graphic Novel Club (The last Monday of every month)

Gather at the Main Library in the Teen Library Space for a laid-back time discussing graphic novels and comics, then hang around after the discussion for games and activities.  

Upcoming Dates: March 25 and April 29 

Time: 4-5pm 

Age Group: Teens (11-17) 

Location: 325 Michigan St, Toledo.

Drop-in Book Club for Teens (First Tuesday of every month)

Stop in, read a provided graphic novel, and win prizes! There is a new title to read on the first Tuesday of every month. Read in the library or request your own copy! 

Upcoming Dates: March 5 and April 2

Time: All Day 

Age Group: Teens (11-17) 

Location: 1032 S McCord Rd, Holland, OH 43528, at the Holland Library in the General Space Area. 

Manga Club (First Thursday of every month)

Fans of Manga join to read graphic novels, physically or electronically, at Reynolds Corners Library in the Small Community Room. Discuss your favorites while engaging in anime/manga activities, with light snacks provided. 

Upcoming Dates: March 7 and April 4

Time: 4pm-5pm 

Age Group: Teens (11-17) 

Location: 4833 Dorr St.