The City of Toledo’s Parks and Youth Services department is accepting applications through April 1.
Applicants for the Youth Advisory Board should be 14-18 years old and passionate about serving a two-year term to offer board members a young person’s perspective on decisions impacting the Toledo parks system. Youth Advisory Board members should have a strong work ethic, as well as an interest in learning and making a positive impact in the lives of Toledo youth.
Applicants who are selected to join the Youth Advisory Board will attend monthly meetings and gain experience in domains such as leadership, business etiquette, community service, and park operations.
Key responsibilities of Youth Advisory Board members will include working with Parks and Recreation staff to ensure Toledo’s parks are inclusive of city youth, advocating for youth in Toledo, planning community projects to address youth needs and strategies to increase youth engagement with the parks system, and participating during department meetings.
Youth Program Coordinator Daveion Beach shared why the Youth Advisory Board selection process is significant for both selected applicants and the city’s Parks and Recreation department. The department, Beach stated, is “excited to offer this opportunity for Toledo’s youth to have a voice in their community.” For Youth Advisory Board members, Beach explained that involvement “provides a platform for young people to learn about city government, make a positive impact on their community, and develop leadership skills.”
Learn more about the Youth Advisory Board and apply for the Youth Advisory Board here.