Northwest Ohio Classical Academy celebrates groundbreaking as start of $10 million expansion project

On March 1, Northwest Ohio Classical Academy (NOCA) celebrated a groundbreaking that marked the start of its $10 million expansion of school facilities. This expansion—known as the Phase II Upper School Expansion Project—has been supported through funding secured through Series 2023 Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds and will result in the addition of over 14,000 square feet to the school’s space. 

New facilities that will be introduced through the expansion include six classrooms, a cafeteria, a multi-purpose room, two science labs, new restrooms, and support areas. Some of the funding secured through the Bonds will also be used to improve existing areas of the school. 

NOCA is a Hillsdale College Curriculum School in its fourth year. With nearly 500 current students and the K-12 enrollment process beginning for the 2023-24 school year, the expansion brings good news for several families and students. 

The additional space and facilities in the school will provide another tool for furthering NOCA’s mission to “train the minds and improve the hearts of young people through a rigorous, content-rich classical curriculum in the liberal arts and sciences, one that produces thoughtful leaders and virtuous citizens.” To learn more about NOCA, visit


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