The young women of Girls Hub, a Toledo STEAM summer program have built themselves a seat at the table — literally. During this year’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math program for girls ages 12-17, participants created a themed chair telling their personal story so that they will always have a seat at the table.
Girls Hub focuses on teaching young girls how to accomplish their goals and use power tools, and the resources they’ve been given to reach their full potential. The program is offered by Women of Toledo and gives participants a space to design, build, and execute projects in STEAM. They attend classes on various subjects including architecture, carpentry, science, and art, and have a mentorship program to assist and encourage them during the four weeks.
This year’s project, titled Building Our Seats at the Table, involved the construction of 21 different chairs, all with unique messages and designs. Themes included unity, family, and home of the brave. The goal of the chairs is to share and celebrate the abilities of the young women in the community and encourage others to work towards their dreams. The conclusion of the program was celebrated on Wednesday July 20 at the KeyBank Discovery Theater, announcing the completion of a successful summer.
The Girls Hub Chair Exhibit was displayed until July 20 at Imagination Station downtown. An appropriate location, Imagination Station is a proud supporter of educating children in science and technology with enriching exhibits, activities, and experiential opportunities. To learn more about what Imagination Station here and explore what Girls Hub has to offer on the Women of Toledo website.