Enter to Win Toledo Opera’s Cinderella Coloring Contest!

The Toledo Opera is hosting a Cinderella coloring contest to promote their production of Cinderella, which will be held on Friday, October 6 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, October 8 at 2 p.m. 

The coloring contest has downloadable coloring sheets for three different age ranges: ages 5-11, ages 11-16, and ages 17 and up. Find the coloring sheets and registration information here. Contestants must submit their coloring page to  rcammarn@toledoopera.org by the deadline, Friday, September 22.

The coloring pages depict Toledo Opera Cinderella stars Sarah Coit and David Walton adorned in period attire, with patterns and furnishings showcasing what would have been seen in real life. The illustration is courtesy of Danielle Di Stefano, soprano, opera historian, music education, author, and award-winning opera advocate in the WNY/Ontario region and throughout the United States.

“We are so lucky to have partnered with Danielle Di Stefano in the commissioning of this beautiful illustration,” shared Toledo Opera Director of Marketing & Communication Rachael Cammarn. “We were introduced to her work at the Opera America conference this past spring, where we were gifted her coloring book Manga and Mozart – in which a semi-realistic Manga (Japanese drawing style) meets Mozart, Verdi, Puccini, and more in an entertaining, unique, and educational book of beloved characters and scenes from some of the most famous operas ever written. Our commissioned illustration not only features our stars, but also the aesthetic of our upcoming production of Cinderella!”

Learn more about the contest and the production by visiting  toledoopera.org.

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